The Natural Sciences Education & Outreach Center has a cutting edge facility that is perfect for STEM education and teacher professional development programs. The space consists of five unique areas: Experiential Learning Studio, STEM Kit Lending Library, Seminar Room and Conference Meeting Room.

Experimental Learning Studio

The NSEOC Experimental Learning Studio is perfect for doing group learning/sharing. The space is used for the NSEOC STEM Friday Expeditions as well as the science and math methods courses for pre-service teachers and professional development courses for in-service science and math teachers. The Experimental Learning Studio is located in B302 NESB and has a capacity of 30 people. Special features of the learning studio are:

  • 24 Sci-Plex Learning Spaces with:
    • HP ProDesk 600 G1 computers (Windows 11)
    • Raspberry Pi 3 computers with ExplorerHat Pro
    • Lightboxes
    • Natural gas outlets
    • Compressed air outlets
    • Vacuum outlets
  • Monochrome Laser Printer
  • 2 Fume Hoods
  • 4 Sinks with DI water taps
  • Instructor Podium with:
    • BenQ Touch Board
    • Touchscreen computer
    • Doc cam
    • Wireless mics
    • Speakers
  • STEM Library with:
    • Teacher Professional Development Reference Books
    • STEM Content Reference texts
    • STEM Children’s Books in English & Spanish

STEM Kit Lending Library

The NSEOC STEM Kit Lending Library houses all of the center’s STEM kits and the materials needed for upkeep. The lending library is located in B316 NESB.

Seminar Room

The NSEOC Seminar Room is perfect for doing a formal presentation or for having groups of students work together. The seminar room is located in A302 NESB and has a capacity of 24 people. Special features of the room are:

  • Digital Projector
  • 12 Movable Tables with flip tops

Conference Meeting Room

The NSEOC Conference Meeting Room is perfect for small meetings. The conference room is located in A304 NESB and has a capacity of 14 people. Special Features fo the room are:

  • Kitchen with:
    • Coffee maker
    • Fridge
    • Dishwasher
    • Microwave
    • Toaster
    • Water cooler
    • Various utensils and dishes

Priority for use of the NSEOC space is given to our own programs and College of Natural Sciences faculty and staff. Anyone wanting to reserve space must submit one of the following forms to Courtney Butler.

Semester-Long Course-Related Facility Reservation Form (A302)

Semester-Long Course-Related Facility Reservation Form (B302)

One-Time Non-Course-Related Facility Reservation Form (A302, A304, and B302)

Additional Resources