The Natural Sciences Education and Outreach Center occasionally offers Teacher-in-Residence non-student hourly positions dependent on available funding. These positions are limited to ~6 hours per week with a maximum of 8 months per calendar year. The positions are renewable if performance expectations are met and funding is available.
Required Qualifications
- 25+ years of formal (secondary level) or informal science education experience
- 5+ years of experience teaching students how to conduct scientific research
Preferred Qualifications
- Leadership role in a Science and Engineering Fair
- Hands-on, inquiry-based teaching philosophy
- Participated in professional development at CSU
- Participated in scientific research with a university- or museum-based research team
- Maker Space skills (3D printer, laser and Cameo cutters, sewing machine, soldering, Dremel tools, etc.)
- Interpretive park ranger experience in the Natural Sciences
- Ability to speak Spanish
- Ability to drive a 12-passenger van
Background and motor vehicle checks are required.
Please send a cover letter and resume to Andrew Warnock.

Previous Teachers-in-Residence

Mike Whatley
Mike Whatley is an emeritus member of the National Park Service. His career spanned four decades and culminated in being Chief of Education and Outreach for the Natural Resource Stewardship and Science Directorate. Between 2010 and 2020, he consulted on our curriculum work with the parks.

Jess Quig
Jess was our first early career TiR in the summer of 2013. She helped with the Every Drop Counts Water Workshop for Hawaiian teachers and our SciTrek summer camp. She also helped us develop the Soil Carbon, Solar Cars, Acid Deposition, and Optics STEM kits.

Brad Blank
Brad was the Math-Science Partnership (MSP) TiR for the 2010-2011 academic year and helped us put together the School Water Budget activity. Brad retired from Poudre School District after 20 years in 2018.

Gary Metzger
Gary volunteered at the EOC in the spring of 2011. He was instrumental in testing and perfecting the Get Energized STEM kit. He currently teaches with the SOARS program in Thompson School District.

Lisa Pitot
Lisa was another Math-Science Partnership (MSP) TiR (2010-2012) that we got to work with. She helped launch the Noyce Scholar program. Lisa is currently an Assistant Professor in Educational Studies at the University of Wisconsin.

Tom Noel
Tom was the Math-Science Partnership (MSP) TiR for the 2009-2010 academic year. He helped us launch Phunky Phenology and the School Water Budget Activity. He currently teaches at Polaris Expeditionary Learning School in Fort Collins.